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November 19, 2013

Terror at the Carnival

"Bump" from 11/20/07

I was looking at a post that got a hit from a Google search and saw this video; I had forgotten it and was pleased to see the replacement video still worked. I can't change the URL w/out re-posting it, but I can change the title because as I noted in the comments, it's not a rollercoaster. Whatever the title, it's still funny.


Mike said...

I know I said "terror" but I've watched this three times and I always laugh until I cry.

I'm gonna watch it again.


The sad thing about me laughing is that the kid really was terrified and it looked as though he was close to coming out of his harness.

This reminds me of some rides w/ diff. people; I've had a few react like this.

garazon said...

You can't help but laugh! But you can certainly see he was truly terrified! kind of looks like me the one and only time I got on a ride faster than a carousel! And it wont ever happen again! LOL

Mike said...

"This hurts! This hurts! This hurts!" and she just keeps laughing harder. I think that's what makes me laugh is how she's laffin'.

I had a date with an old gal once and we went to the carnival. We got on the "Hammer", the thing that looks like one with double cages on the ends that not only go around the axis, but rotate. For some reason, we got in some sort of rotate/revolve rhythm and everytime we went around, it through her against me.

Now, if she'd been Twiggy, it'd been all right and I could've handled it, but she was a BIG ol' gal, bigger 'n me, actually...weighing a LOT more than me.

It almost killed me, and I still hurt thinking about it. I had bruises all over my legs and side and I think I actually cracked or severely bruised a rib.

She was laughing too, laughing at me for hollering at her to hang on to her side and not put all her weight on me.

Mike said...

Threw her against me, not "through".

I was threw with her after that, for sure.

Alison said...

LOL.. I have just joined the class of sick humour, oh yes its the woman laughing so much that makes me laugh more, sad but I would have been exactly the same !

Mike said...

Her name is Janice, and I think I'm in love. *wink*

Mike said...

"Make it stop! Make it stop! Make it stop!"

sharintexas said...

That's why I DON'T like carnival rides! That plus stories like the one in Japan where several people in the same family all died when a car on their ferris wheel flipped upside down. The glass barrier popped out and several of them fell to their death. I'll just stick to going to the petting zoo when I go to a fair and/or carnival. Besides, it's a family tradition to get in a fight at the carnival, right, Mike??

garazon said...

"Janice it aint funny.. LOL it does get funnier each tme you watch it!

Mike said...

Oh yeah, I think so too, G. I guess I've watched it a dozen times and I laugh until my sides ache and tears flow down my cheeks.

I need a laugh like that every now and then.

Yes, sister, when I started this blog I thought about all sorts of family funny stories I could tell, the ones I COULD tell, and put the ideas down on a Notepad doc. "Hey, Rube" will be the title.

Barb said...

I'm one of those morbid people who will be on a ride and start looking at the bits and pieces and start wondering, "What would happen if that little pin right there popped out?"

And you are all dead on when you said it gets funner the number of times you watch it...I was crying by the 3rd time.

Mike said...

This is worth a bump.

Denise * KKL Primitives said...

DARN......I missed this one....says the video is no longer available. :(

Mike said...

I found the video elsewhere, as can be seen.

Mike said...

It's not a rollercoaster, dunno why I called it one.

Barb said...

Had to watch it again! :0 Thanks for the bump Mike.