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May 15, 2009

Dodged a Bullet

Had tornado sightings earlier, some large hail. The sirens wailed and the power went off, only just now coming back on.

Pampa is the black dot on the screenshot; the storm is (thankfully) past.

I'll admit I was a bit scared, but my fright was tempered by my anger. What chaps my butt is that when the power went off, so did the local radio station. The taxpayers (me 'n the rest of the good citizens of Pampa) paid a large amt. of money for an emergency generator for the station.


The Local Malcontent said...

"The taxpayers (me 'n the rest of the good citizens of Pampa) paid a large amt. of money for an emergency generator for the station."

To listen to what? That station's engineer and 'radio personality' had already dove into their 'Fraidyhole'.

Hey, glad that you are safe, sound!

Mike said...

To listen to what?

To listen to updates/warnings. That's what they're paid to do and that's why they got the emergency equipment.

You should have heard them once they got on the air, they had one of the owners on the phone from wherever he was on his vacation and all the doofus wanted to do was talk about the weather where HE was.

They then -while the area was still under threat of tornadoes- tried to broadcast the girl's softball playoff game while they screwed around with their computer because they were worried about not being able to air adverts.

sharintexas said...

May weather in the Texas Panhandle always bears watching. I was telling someone a few days ago about Grandma putting all 3 of us in that old tin shower stall when we were with them and the weather was stormy. I doubt that would have helped much if there had been a tornado, but I guess it made her feel better. I'm still terrified of storms. May 6th, 1968 still brings back some scary memories. Stay safe.