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January 11, 2010

I'm Yours - Jason Mraz


Alison said...

After listening to this song and enjoying it a lot, I thought right off how much his sound and style resembled Colbie Caillats songs,and then sure enough after checking it out found he had done a duet with her, im living and learning .

Mike said...

I'd never heard of him until I saw a recent "viral" vid of a little kid playing this song on the ukelele.

Never heard of her, either, but I don't listen to much "new" * music.

*"new" = out in the last 20 years. lol

Thanks for posting!

Barb said...

Having a kid at home means I get to hear some newer music and Jason Mraz is one of Coll's favorites. Gone are the days when I could have her listen to "kids songs". Least I'm lucky she's not a big fan of all the dross that Disney turns out in turns of pop music