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August 14, 2012

Hitchcock Cameos

A compilation of (most of) Alfred Hitchcock's cameo appearances.

The music gets a little tiring after a couple of minutes, but there's always the mute button.


Laura said...
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Barb said...

I remember the one from The Birds but knew he'd done more. I never dreamed he'd sneaked in so many. Nice find Mike.

Mike said...

I once read he started that on a lark, then when people started noticing he decided to do it in all his movies. He also did it near the first of the movie so people wouldn't be fixated on trying to catch his cameo and could enjoy the movie.

sharintexas said...

Doesn't Stephen King do the same thing in his movies? Not that he's made any books, much less movies worth reading/watching in a long time.