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November 15, 2012

Skinner's Guilt Confirmed


sharintexas said...

Interesting, isn't it? I wonder what he thought was going to happen? Has an execution date been rescheduled?

Mike said...

Yes, it is, sis. I wonder, too. After researching, reading the transcripts, literally walking from the crime scene to where he hid, interviewing most of the people involved in the case, I came to the conclusion he did it.

I think he was doing just like most of the condemned do, grasped at any straw. I guess he figured a life in prison was preferable to being executed. Me? I can't imagine but with what I know, I wouldn't want it for me. He probably thinks as I do, that there have been many more guilty go free than innocent executed.

I don't know about the execution date; I've got an alert for any news about the case, so as soon as I find out anything, I'll post it.

I had put his case on the back burner and was following the one about Preston Hughes. If you only read the people on his side, same as Skinner's, you'd have thought Texas had the wrong man on Death Row. Read the other side, consider the evidence, and you'll see that much has been omitted by the defense.