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April 4, 2013

Hacker Typer

Want to amaze your friends and/or freak out your enemies? (or vice versa?)

Keep Hacker Typer bookmarked on your computer and when you want to amaze/freak out someone, just open it up and tell them something like "I'm going to hack into the Pentagon." and start flailing away at the keyboard like a drunken monkey.  It doesn't matter what you type, just do it furiously with purpose (maybe bite your lip in an absent-minded way to mimic concentration) and the screen will look like this:

Wanna REALLY freak 'em out?  Tell them you've discovered a back door to Facebook and you're going to change their profile to read something creepy like "I'm a BIG fan of Charles Manson" or that they love Justin Bieber...unless they're really a fan of him, then what's really creepy is that they are a friend of yours.

Hacker Typer


Barb said...

That will be neat to try next time I have Colleen reading over my shoulder ( an annoying habit she has)

Mike said...

There's a .net site w/ the same name, where you can alter the parameters such as font, background and some others, but I always had a hard time getting it to load. I stumbled across this one.

sharintexas said...

I need to do this when Alex is here. He's pretty gullible and believes everything Nana tells him. You'd think after almost 18 years he would have learned!