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June 2, 2013

Sunday Double Feature

A quiz and music to fit the topic, just like I like to do 'em.

You Are Sunday
Above all else, you value quiet time and rest. You love to unwind and recharge.

You think life is stressful enough, and you like to find peace whenever and wherever possible.

Over the years, you've figured out who and what means most to you. You hold on to what matters.

Sunday is the perfect day for you to be close to your loved ones and favorite rituals.

Even when life is busy and chaotic, you are able to stand back and look at the big picture.

You try to live in the moment and not get bogged down by the little annoyances of every day life. 

Pleasant Valley Sunday - The Monkees

1 comment:

Carolea said...

You are a dreamer, and for you, the anticipation of something is often better than the actual event.
That's why Friday is your day. Just knowing that the weekend is coming up is as good as the weekend itself.

You value freedom more than most people, and when it comes to letting loose, you'll take what you can get.
You are a bit impatient, and it kills you to wait for anything. When you have to wait, you prefer to stay busy.

You prefer to be in a relaxed setting, even if everyone is working hard in between goofing off times.
You can't stand to be around too many rules or uptight folks. Life's too short not to have a little fun!