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April 18, 2014

Annie's Song - John Denver

I never was a huge John Denver fan, but have always thought this was a lovely tune.  It brings tears to my eyes, which just goes to show how big of an emotional sap I am.


Barb said...

Friend of mine sang that at my wedding to Riley. Guess that makes me a sap too. ♥

Mike said...

I used to date a woman who lived on the next block over (Julie, I've written about her in here) who had a brother with Downs. He loved John Denver's music and would sing along, especially to "Rocky Mountain High". His stepfather had worked for Cabot Corp. and they had some land/a camp in Colorado for employees and would go as often as they could. (a childhood friend's father also worked for Cabot and they went every summer) Hank loved those trips and the mountains and just like the threat of Santa Claus not coming to see bad boys and girls, all it took to get him to settle down when he acted up was for his mother to threaten to leave him with his oldest sister while the rest of the family went to the mountains.

A few months ago I read quite a bit about Denver's plane crash.lead there by first reading about Buddy Holly and a few other stars who died in airplane crashes. I didn't see any photos of the remains, but the coroner's report was gruesome.

It also reminded me of the controversy of Denver being such a big environmentalist, but being raked over the coals for having a huge gasoline storage tank buried on his property. I found out the gasoline was mainly for his employees, since (I believe) the nearest gas station was so far away from the property.

After seeing "Oh, God!" with George Burns and Denver, I always figured he'd star in more movies b/c he really had a talent for that, playing the sweet, mild mannered character in that movie, but I guess it was basically just a one-time thing and that he also died before he could make any more flicks.

Alison said...

I like John Denver , well I hadn't always liked him ,didn't listen much to his stuff, except of course Annies Song ,that was popular when I was in high school and one of the guys sang it in one of the talent shows.
Anyhow years later I used to have a friend who worked full time and I cleaned her flat for her for some extra cash myself twice a week , she had bought the album of all John Denvers Greatest hits ,the one they released after his death , I played it as I cleaned and got smitten with his lovely voice, Follow Me and Starwood in Aspen I liked a lot , too sad he lost h is life fairly early , from what I read in a few articles he was a kind good hearted guy , he certainly had that kind of look on his face.

Mike said...

I couldn't tell you a half dozen songs he did, but the few I do know I really like. It's really something to have two of your songs become official state songs. (Country Roads - W. Virginia and Rocky Mountain High one of two official Colorado state songs)

Alison said...

Oh I didn't know those facts about his songs been Official State songs, I think I would like to visit Colorado before I ever leave USA , there must be some very pretty views and sites around those mountains, I know we have the Virginia Blue ridge mountains which are great but to see all the snow on those higher ones in Colorado would be great.