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September 26, 2015

How Do You Live the Good Life?

You Live in the Present Moment

You try to live in the here and now. You are fully aware and focused on what's happening.

You figure the past is gone and can't be changed. And the future isn't here yet.

You don't overthink or overreact. You try to just be. What is most important is what's going on in this moment.

You find a lot of freedom in letting go of memories and worries. You are unburdened by life's timeline.

You are spontaneous, daring, and adaptable. You prefer to go with your gut than make a pro con list.

You have less baggage than most people. Each experience is new for you, and every moment is a fresh start. 


Carolea said...

You believe in free will, or at least as much free will that is possible in this world.
You think your life is what you make of it. You take responsibility for your actions and for their outcomes.

You feel responsible for the outcome of your life, but this frees you more than burdens you.
You believe that almost anything is possible if you set your mind to it. You love how many choices you are presented with each day.

You don't feel like a prisoner of your mind or your life. Change is always possible; it just may be difficult.
You embrace whatever freedom you've been given. You think of possibilities - not of restrictions.

Mike said...

Thanks for posting, Beary!

Carolea said...
