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April 12, 2009

I Put My Trust

In these daily fortunes.

Trust no one fortune

When I was a kid, it was "Don't trust anyone over 30."

Now that I'm over 30 (just by a little bit) I don't trust anyone under 30 OR over 30.

Heck, I don't even trust myself.


pulchritude \PUL-kruh-tood; -tyood\, noun:
That quality of appearance which pleases the eye; beauty; comeliness; grace; loveliness.

A nice meaning for such an ugly sounding word, huh?

April 11, 2009

Cannibal Quiz

What would your body taste like to a cannibal?

What would you taste like to a cannibal?

Created by Recipe Star

Half the Questions Correct

For a half-assed blog

Well, You Know What a Blog Is...

You got 4/8 correct!

But, truthfully, most blogs probably bore you.

I don't know much about blogging, I will admit. Anyone who visits this pathetic excuse for one knows that.