Welcome to ToTG!

August 1, 2009


arcane\ar-KAYN\ , adjective:
1. Understood or known by only a few.

Yep, that's me 'n my blog. The blog is known by only a few because I don't link to many other sites nor do I submit it to blogrolls and search engines. I'm known by only a few because I don't have many friends and try my best to keep my name off the Pampa News police report.

The blog is understood by only a few because...well, it's hard to understand. Really. Just take a peek around. There's no rhyme nor reason and not but a few rants and raves. I'm understood by only a few because...well, you'll have to ask my few friends, I guess. It might be because I mumble a lot.

Saturday Night Fever Medley

New Trivia Tournament

The August edition of the ToTG Trivia Tournament started today!

Sign up, take your best shot!

Deferred Sender

From the website:

Deferred Sender is a free service that allows you to schedule emails from any email application or website to be sent in the future. Send reminders, notifications and more!

Easy to get started! Enter your email address, agree to the ubiquitous terms of service, check your email for instructions to activate your account and start using Deferred Sender!

Deferred Sender