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February 14, 2011


buss \buss\, noun, verb;
1. A kiss; a playful kiss; a smack.
transitive verb:
1. To kiss; especially to kiss with a smack.

Appropriate word for Valentine's Day.

Well, for anyone who has someone to kiss, that is. I think I've kissed goodbye my chances of getting a buss today. I'd probably get a smack if I tried to buss someone.

February 8, 2011

Some Pretty Slick Spam

I guess I got on the KY mailing list.

(click to enlarge screenshot)

No need for any of this for me on Valentine's Day. (or any other day, come to think of it)

Wow, Man

I figured I would be all three.

You Are Drugs

Whether you actually do drugs or not doesn't matter... you're one trippy hippie!

You're always seeing things from an alternative point of view. The colors are little brighter and bolder for you.

You don't live your life with any rules. You embrace freedom and challenge authority.

You want to expand your mind and your horizons. You don't mind experimenting a little to find your bliss.

February 4, 2011


effluvium\ ih-FLOO-vee-uhm \,noun;
1.A slight or invisible exhalation or vapor, esp. one that is disagreeable

So, when the Beej is snuggled up to me, it's "feline effluvium"?

I always called it a cat fart.

"A rose by any other name...."  Well, maybe not a rose.