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December 30, 2013

No Surprise Here

You Should Work With Things

You definitely aren't a misanthrope, but you find people difficult to understand and deal with at times.

You're much more productive working alone - building systems, analyzing data, or honing your own technique.

No matter what career you choose, you do best in a field where you can be left alone to specialize, tinker, and invent.

A focused, intense person like you would make a great surgeon. Or a fabulous architect. Or a superstar computer programmer. 



oeillade oeil·lade [œ-yad] noun, plural oeil·lades [œ-yad] French

an amorous glance; ogle.

Even though I wasn't familar with this term, I've always liked to do an oeillade. The trick is to not get caught at it.

As in this game: Lust for Bust

Beer Bottle Cap

There are 21 "teeth" on the standard beer bottle cap.

Useless information?  Perhaps, but it might win you a free beer on a bet in a bar.

December 29, 2013

Marie's Blog

I missed this when the show was on, but with the Breaking Bad marathon going on this weekend, the BB Facebook page did a post on it. If you are/were a big fan of the series, you might find it funny.

December 28, 2013

Run Like Hell - Pink Floyd

One-Eared Insect

The only insect known to have just one ear is the mantis, also commonly referred to as a "praying mantis".  Its single ear has two eardrums and is capable of picking up ultrasonic sounds, essential in detecting the echolocation cries of the bat, one of its biggest predators.

Oddly enough, it was just a few days ago I saw this bit of trivia on the same day of the anniversary of Vincent van Gogh cutting off his ear.