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December 9, 2014

No Sample, Just an Advert

Clicked on a link to get a free sample and got this page from  Centerpoint Media.

No sample, but they still toot their own horn. Not sure why they're bragging.

Tears Trivia

The average person's eyes produce 1.2 gallons of tears a year.

96 Tears - ? and the Mysterians

December 7, 2014

December 4, 2014

A Weak Week

Sorry that I haven't posted anything for the last week, I'm still battling this horrible cold.  It's settled into my lungs and while it's not the medical definition, it felt like I had walking pneumonia.   I finally got my appetite back a few days ago, but I've still felt lethargic and didn't want to do much of anything and to be honest, I still don't.

No promises about posting every day from now on, but just wanted to tell my loyal readers - all four/five of you - that I wasn't dead....although I felt like I was dying.

Mark Twain

The only known video recording of Mark Twain.