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June 5, 2015

What Color Grape Are You?

You Are a Purple Grape
You are unique and special. You don't try to, but you always seem to stand out in a crowd.

You are very independent minded and end up doing things that are quite original. You just think differently.

You are definitely eccentric, but your strange ways haven't held you back in life. If anything, you are more competent than most people.

You simply like to explore all options in life. Being open to the world makes you a very happy, healthy, and successful person. 


June 4, 2015


floccinaucinihilipilification noun [ flok-suh-hany-hil-uh-pil-uh-fi-key-shuhn]

Rare. the estimation of something as valueless (encountered mainly as an example of one of the longest words in the English language).

It's a good thing this word is rare, otherwise it would cost a fortune in printer's ink if it was used more often...which would make it worth a lot more.

June 3, 2015

Toughest Tongue Twister

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is the toughest tongue twister in the English language.

Yes, it's certainly hard to say and is nonsensical to boot, but ya gotta admire the alliteration, huh? (the title of this post, too!)

A Strange Quiz

From thePhotobucket archives:
Schwartzenegger has a big one

Michael J. Fox has a small one

Madonna doesn't have one

The Pope has one but doesn't use his

Clinton uses his all the time

Lady GaGa's is Both

Mickey Mouse has an unusual one

George Burns' was hot

Liberace never used his on women

Jerry Seinfeld is very, very proud of his

We never saw Lucy use Desi's

What is it?

Hold down cursor and drag between (  )  for answer:

("A Last Name." )

June 1, 2015

What Major Human Emotion Are You?

You Are Love
You find it easy to love. First of all, you love yourself - and that's extremely important.

You truly love your friends, and you even have a special love for all of humanity. Other people mean a lot to you.

You find it easy to express your feelings and get close to people. And while no friendship is perfect, you've mastered the art of forgiveness.

You are affectionate and caring. Your love can be anywhere from platonic to passionate, but it's always strong. 

Which begs the question...