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October 5, 2015


amphigory noun [am-fi-gawr-ee,-gohr-ee]

1. a meaningless or nonsensical piece of writing, especially one intended as a parody.

That would describe just about everything I write in this blog.

October 4, 2015


I don't know what possessed me to do it, but I was intrigued by a headline "Just WHAT did Justin Bieber mean?" so I clicked on the link.  I read the article, then saw two comments beneath it.  One said something like "Oh, leave him alone! He's a young man and I bet YOU said things when you were his age!!!!!"

I thought to myself "Well, yeah....I "said things" when I was his age, but nothing so stupid and I didn't have an entourage, millions of screaming teenybopper girl fans and a zillion bucks, either." I clicked the "down vote" on that comment and I clicked the "up vote" on the reply.   To be honest, I forget what the reply was - it was clever, though - and I have already forgotten all of the things Bieber had attributed to him.  I'm not a fan of either the young man or his music, so if you have an objection to that...well, sue me...or stick it in your ear, either one works for me.

But, the funny thing was I guess the site had some kind of script that doesn't allow for such quick voting on the comments and when I upvoted the reply, I got this:

Stick it in your ear, CAPTCHA.  Don't tell me YOU'RE a Bieber fan!

I really shouldn't make fun of Justin Bieber;  after all, he's someone's daughter.

October 3, 2015

Trivia Coming Aaaachoo

A sneeze coming out of your mouth travels at more than 100 mph.

October 1, 2015

Box Clever - Simon's Cat

I've lived this before. All I had to do was get the carry crate out and ol' Beej would take off and hide.